The enjoyment of playing baseball begins when one can accept the idea of a workable system, of organization and planning. Playing and coaching in one of the most difficult team sports, starts with the "RIGHT ATTITUDE."Below, are some thoughts on developing the right attitude:
1. Pitcher - Pitch to give your team a chance to win.
2. Keep sight of your goals.
3. Remember who you are and what you are trying to accomplish.
4. Have a plan, be committed and get focused.
5. Always be willing to learn.
6. Be prepared for a lot of hard work.
7. Learn the game by studying it.
8. Do you know what separates the average player from a good player?
Their heart, their drive, their intellect.
9. Play to your strengths and work on your weaknesses.
10.Commitment to mental and physical conditioning.
11.Never show up a team member or opposing team members, the best
revenge is success.
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