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Set Position:
1. Left foot slightly in front of the right foot.
2. Standing position - up on the balls of the feet.
3. Hands resting on knees.

Ready Position:
1. When the ball is released by the the pitcher leaning slightly forward
    anticipating the ball being hit.
2. Playing as shallow as possible. More hits will fall in front than behind.

Breaking Towards The Ground Ball:
1. Charge all ground balls.
2. Back up the infielders on all ground balls hit to them.

Catching Fly Balls Or Line Drives:
1.Circling behind the ball so momemtum will carry you forward towards the
    base that is being thrown to.
2. Call infielders off all pop flies that you can get to.
3. Back up the other outfielders.
4. Shade yourself to your weakest side.
5. Use two hands to make the catch whenever possible.
6. When possible, catch the ball on your throwing side.

Throwing The Ball To The Infield:
1. Take only one step after catching the ball and throw it.
2. Grip the ball across the seams.
3. Keep all throws low so the cut-off man can get to them.
5. Never throw behind the runner, always throw to the base ahead of him.

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