(Summary of the basic pitching delivery)

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Tall to Fall:
The body should be in line towards your target (the catcher) and in an erect position.Your momentum should give you the feeling of falling forward. You belly button and head should be out infront as much as possible to allow for the strong to long theory at the finish of your delivery. Keep your eyes foucused on the ball until it is in the catcher's glove.

Always go ball-of-foot to ball-of-foot, letting the stride be a natural length. Your stride should be the same on every pitch. You can check this by making sure you are landing in the same spot after every pitch. If, it is not in the same spot you could be opening your left shoulder too soon.
Keep erect, weight over the balls of your feet and be in control of your momentum at all times.

Generating Force:
Force happens (more velocity) after your left foot has landed. (The strong to long theory.)
Keep elbow up and stay closed. Remembering, to tuck you glove close to your chest as possbile

Strong to Long:
Drive straight towards your target. Do not release the ball to soon. Elbow to elbow straight out, keeping your hands close to the body as possible.


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