Age Series:
The criteria for determining eligibility for playing O.B.A. sanctioned tournaments are age and being carded in Ontario. All series are based on age groups determined by calendar year. For example, Rookie Ball would be sanctioned as a tournament for players born in 1991 or later. You may play as an under-aged player.
For all Ontario teams applying, you must present a permission form from your affiliated association as well as present cards for both coaches and players.
For teams applying outside the province of Ontario and teams from the U.S.A., you will be required to present proof of age for your players upon registration.
Tournament Format:
Our tournaments guarantee a minimum of 3 games. Awards will be presented to the finalists and tournament champions for all series. Additional awards will be presented for consolation champs and finalists up to and including Major Peewee. We will also have participation awards for all tournament players in the Rookieball and Mosquito age groups.