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General Sites Of Interest
The Canadian Athletes Association
Canada's Sports Hall of Fame
Manitoba Runners' Association

Sport Manitoba
Manitoba's official organization foramateur sports.
The new Internet home for the Ontario Cheerleading Federation.
Ontario Sports & Recreation Centre (OSRC)
The Ontario Sports and Recreation Centre Inc. (OSRC) serves as a focal point for the amateur sport and recreation community in Ontario
The Ontario Sports Directory
A complete index to regional sports directories in Ontario. Also includes links to the national and provincial organizations websites.
Sport PEI
The provincial sport federation of Prince Edward Island, Canada.
Coaches Association of Saskatchewan
The Source for coaching information in Saskatchewan Canada: Association Canadienne des Entraineurs
Programme National de Certification des Entraineurs

British Columbia Special Olympics
Canadian Intramural Recreation Association
Canadian Olympic Association (COA)
The official site of the Canadian Olympic Association
National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP)
Commonwealth Games Association of Canada L'Association Canadienne pour la Sant�,
l'�ducation Physique, le Loisir et la Danse (ACSEPLD)

Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport/Centre canadien pour l'�thique dans le sport
As a national non-profit organization, the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) strives for a fair and ethical sport system by promoting drug-free sport, equity, fair play, safety and non-violence.

Naitonal Capital Sports Council of the Disabled Inc.
The National Capital Sports Council of the Disabled Inc. (NCSCD) is a volunteer body which was established in 1983 to promote sporting opportunities for amputee, blind, cerebral palsy, deaf, and wheelchair athletes in the National Capital Region.
National Coaching Institute - Calgary, Canada
National Sport Centre - Calgary, Canada

Nova Scotia: Halifax Herald (Subscription Required)
Sport for Disabled - Ontario
The Ontario Sport for Disabled site features athlete profiles, provincial records and standards, and information about the upcoming Ontario Games for the Physically Disabled.
to sports facility and complex owners, operators and park & rec

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