General Sites of Interest |
Football Canada Football Canada is the National Sport Governing Body.
Canadian Football Hall of Fame
Official Web Site of the Canadian Football League
XFL Football League
Canadian Junior Football News |
National Championship in Edmonton releases details
click here for website |
Youth & High School Teams |
Almonte Junior Thunderbolts
Profiling this junior football club, with updated season news, results and statistics. Includes player roster, archives and links. BC High School Football
Get the latest updates from the high school gridiron, with complete standings, game results and statistics. Updated news articles featured. Calgary Bantam Football
Profiling the Calgary Bantam Football Association, with history and team locations. Football BC - Governing Body for Amateur
Visit this association site responsible for coordinating all football action and promotion in BC. Includes history, coming events and directory. Linsday Place High School Football
Read the coach's comments, review the team's recent successes or browse through a small collection of photos taken from game action. Moncton Football
Visit this resource to find latest news, results and standings for the Moncton Football Association. Includes awards, pics and coming events. New Brunswick High School Football
Offering the latest news, results, standings and schedules for the New Brunswick High School Football League. South Shore/Greenfield Park Packers Online
Profiling the Greenfield Park Packers, with season news, results, profiles and schedules. Includes links to affiliated clubs. Storm Bantam Football Club
Presenting a basic introduction and team profile for the Airdrie Storm club. Features sponsor profile, merchandise and season news. The Red Zone...home of the Arnprior Redmen
Follow the latest news, results and general updates for the Arnprior Redmen football team. Includes photos and links.