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The physical aspects of catching require total concentration on the fundamentals. When getting into the position to receive the ball, catchers should be as comfortable as possible. When taking up this position, they should make sure they are far enough behind the batter to avoid being hit by the bat as the batter swings .

Set Position:
1. Feet should be placed, shoulder width apart.
2. In the squat position, the catcher should feel comfortable, balanced and up
    on the balls of his feet.
3. Always give his pitcher a good target, by placing your catching mit out in
    front, early enough so the pitcher can focus on it. Keep the shoulders square
    facing the pitcher.
4. Signs are given from the set position. Making sure the glove conceals them
    from the coach the third base.

Receiving Position:
After giving the signs, catcher shifts into this position.
1. Right foot three or four inches behind left foot.
2. Thighs parallel to the ground, and back straight.
3. Glove hand extended toward the pitcher.
4. For safety the catcher protects his throwing hand from a foul tip, by placing
    it behind his back. When there are runners on base, his throwing hand
    should be tucked behind his mit in a closed fist position.

Throwing To A Base:
1.Catchers start their motion towards their target, by being up on the balls of       their feet.
2. Right-handed catchers drop their right foot back a little.
3. Grasping the ball across the seems, and not rushing the throw affords the
     best opportunity for an accurate throw.

Catching Pop Ups:
1. On pop up behind them catchers turn their back towards the pitcher, as the
    spin on the ball will bring the flight of the ball back towards them.
2. Catchers hold their mask until they are ready to catch the ball, then throw it
    to the side.

Blocking Balls Thrown Into The Dirt:
1. Dropping down on both knees, and turn the mit over and have it touching
    the ground.
2. Always shift toward the ball, keeping your shoulders as square as possible,
    facing toward the pitcher.
3. Arms tucked as close to the body as possible.
4. Concentrate on blocking the ball and keeping it in front of you.

Tagging Runner - Play At Home Plate:
1. Positioning - About two feet in front of home plate and with the left foot
    pointing towards third base, the catcher blocks the path of the base runner.
    This is a legal positions and for safety the catchers' knees are slightly flexed
    to help prepare for a possible collision.
2. When receiving the ball, the left foot is planted while pivoting on the right
    foot. Securing the ball by placing his other hand over his mit, tagging the
3. While tagging the runner, the catcher does so with the back part of his glove
    facing the runner, so the runner can not attempt to jar the ball lose.

Fielding Bunts:
1. If, the ball is still rolling, the catcher scoops it up with two hands, fielding the
    ball with his bare hand only if it has stopped.
2. Using a circling motion he spins facing the base he is throwing to, and
    always keeps the ball directly in front of him.

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